St-Imier 2023

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Anarchy 2023
July 19-23 2023
Sunday, August 7, 2022
Anarchy 2023 - St-Imier July 19-23 International Anti-Authoritarian Gathering

From 19th to 23rd July 2023 the the International Anti-Authoritarian Gathering 2023 will be held in St-Imier (Jura, CH) to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Congress of St-Imier which, in 1872, saw the foundation of the Anti-Authoritarian International, an event marking the birth of the organized anarchist movement.

The event will consist of 5 days of meetings, lectures, concerts, seminars and various other activities. It will be a great opportunity for libertarian supporters, inhabitants of the region and elsewhere, and the general public to meet, debate, share and experience libertarian ideas and practices. It will also be an opportunity for those who have not yet discovered the rich history of this movement to learn about its contributions to social progress and its struggles from previous centuries to the present day.

What are anarchists doing today? What are their ideas, their works, their actions? How have they contributed to world history for more than 150 years? What can we learn from this concept, and why is anarchy more desirable than ever?

Anarchy is not chaos and lack of order at all, but the opposite: it advocates an anti-authoritarian approach and a personal and social organization that promotes the emancipation of all human beings. This means fighting against all forms of oppression, exploitation and imposed authority, seeking to enhance everywhere freedom (absence of domination), equity (absence of privilege) and mutual aid (mutuality).

On this occasion, we would like to welcome participants from all continents. All those interested are invited to contribute to the organization and the success of this meeting in whatever way they find most suitable (sharing information, contributing ideas, joining in art projects, providing material support, etc.).

Follow Anarchy 2023 on social media! on Mastodon:

This will be our primary social media presence. If you are not on Mastodon yet, start here:

On Telegram:

@anarchy2023 on Twitter:

On Facebook the event can be found at

To make a donation to our association and thus help with the organization of the meeting please use the following bank details:

IBAN: CH28 0624 0575 1121 8190 1 - SWIFT (BIC) RBABCH22240, Caisse d’Epargne Courtelary SA, 2608 Courtelary, Switzerland in favor of "Association 150 ans du congrès de Saint-Imier", Rue Françillon 29, 2610 St-Imier.

You can contact us via email using the address:

A dedicated website has been setup for this gathering under

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Friday, April 22, 2022
Week-end Libertaire July 29-31 2022
From 29 to 31 July 2022 we are organizing a local gathering in St-Imier in the spirit of the call for decentralized anti-authoritarian events in the lead up to the larger international Anarchy 2023 gathering in St-Imier next year.

We offer plenty of open space for your workshop ideas, with a large building dedicated to your workshop proposals.

Go ahead and contribute your topic proposals on the following platform:

There you can also see what is already planned and what others have already proposed. Come and help organize this event or organize a similar gathering or workshops in your area.

More info on this gathering will be published on the page

More info on the Anarchy 2023 event and the call for decentralized anti-authoritarian gatherings you find on

Principle social media account for the event:

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Friday, March 25, 2022
Call for Decentralized International Anti-Authoritarian Gatherings
As you may have read at the beginning of February, the International Anti-Authoritarian Gathering planned to take place in St-Imier from July 28 to 31, 2022 has been postponed to the summer of 2023 due to the organizational constraints we have been experiencing since the beginning of the covid-19 epidemic.

Given the ease with which states are imposing unprecedented restrictions on freedoms, we do not want to wait until 2023 to collectively reflect on the issues that matter to us, including the political developments of recent years. We want to meet to continue to undo the illusions that imprison us, to think together about what we can do and to form new hopes for the future.

This is why we propose this year, in the name of the 150th anniversary of the Congress of St-Imier, Decentralized International Gatherings. We invite all individuals, anti-capitalist and anti-authoritarian anarchist collectives to organize in their respective locations, on the dates of their choice, events of their own creation, federated around a common poster that can be modified.

Affiche Decentrale Blanc 200px
In St-Imier, the Anarchist Book Fair, concerts, as well as different moments of collective reflection are planned, and are currently being elaborated. We will therefore use the editable poster to communicate around these specific events:


If you decide to share your posters with us and publish your programs via, we will be able to get to know and inspire each other and it will be possible to exhibit in 2023 a retrospective of the decentralized actions carried out in 2022.

If you should decide to collect money, it could contribute to the financing of the large international gathering in St-Imier in 2023.

Do not hesitate to write to us if you have any questions or remarks at

For an international solidarity against all forms of domination!

Libertarian greetings,

Organizing committee of the International Anti-Authoritarian Gathering

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Sunday, August 15, 2021
We regret to announce that the International Anti-Authoritarian Gathering that was planned in Saint-Imier from 28 to 31 July 2022 has been postponed to the summer of 2023. Nevertheless, we have decided to organise a small event in Saint-Imier this summer, which will serve as a springboard for the big gathering in 2023 and as a celebration of the 150th anniversary of the Congress of the Anti-authoritarian International of 1872 in Saint-Imier. We are in discussion about this, and an announcement will be made soon.

As the situation regarding COVID is still uncertain for the next few months, we do not know whether the authorities will ask us to apply the control of vaccination certificates. It is out of the question for us to organise certificate and identity checks at this event, for obvious reasons. Above all, we want to have an event that is open to everyone, with as much freedom of movement as possible. We are aware that the situation in Switzerland may calm down by the summer, but the meeting is international, so we must also consider the pandemic situation worldwide.

The pandemic has also put a huge strain on our organisation over the last two years and had an impact on the meetings and the preparation of the event. We have therefore decided to postpone the gathering until next year. Fortunately, this is not all bad news: we are giving ourselves another year to welcome more people into the organisation, to find more funds and donations, and to set up a better external communication.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or proposals:

For an international solidarity against all forms of domination.

With anarchist greetings,

The organisation committee of the International Anti-Authoritarian Gathering of Saint-Imier 2023

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Friday, July 23, 2021
St-Imier 2021 - History understood and acted upon
This years August workshops focus on a forensic analysis of history with the intention to crystallise a clear threefold understanding of what has evolved, the dark development we must prevent and the lighter directions which we aim to manifest.

Note: Spaces for participation are limited and the detailed workshop agendas are adjusted to participants schedules! To request an invitation:

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Thursday, November 5, 2020
St-Imier 2021: 150 years commemoration of the Jura Federation and the Circulaire de Sonvilier
The St-Imier gatherings in July 2021 commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Jura Federation and the Sonvilier Circular.

Note: Spaces for participation are limited and the detailed workshop agendas are adjusted to participants schedules! To request an invitation:

The Jura Federation formed in 1871 as the first explicitly anti-authoritarian workers association, taking a stand against the authoritarian and centralised strategies and practices of the 1st International's general council, most specifically embodied by Marx and Engels. The Jura Federation met in Sonvilier to draft a circular expressing this fundamentally different view, emphasising that the free society we strive for can not be achieved through centralised and authoritarian power. Instead, it needs to be manifested by creating structures and practices that faithfully mirror our principles of freedom and autonomous federation.
The following year, in September 1872, many sections from other countries, which agreed with this anarchist vision, joined the Jura Federation for the congress that led to the creation of the famous Anti-authoritarian International of St-Imier, completing the split from the Marxists.

Similarly, during the St-Imier 2021 gatherings we will be working together on projects that lay the ground work for our contribution to a larger event that is being planned for July 2022. That year, several international anarchist organisations will be inviting together to a larger conference commemorative of the 1872 Anti-Authoritarian congress.

Of course, the workshops we organise in this context, both in 2021 and 2022, will not just be celebrating the historic context, but will be forward looking. They will be following through with practical steps for manifesting a transformed society, locally and internationally.

So, save these dates:
28-31 July 2022

And check back here for more details on the program and additional workshop schedules or join the St-Imier gatherings mailing list.

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