St-Imier 2023

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Anarchy 2023
July 19-23 2023
Friday, March 25, 2022
Call for Decentralized International Anti-Authoritarian Gatherings
As you may have read at the beginning of February, the International Anti-Authoritarian Gathering planned to take place in St-Imier from July 28 to 31, 2022 has been postponed to the summer of 2023 due to the organizational constraints we have been experiencing since the beginning of the covid-19 epidemic.

Given the ease with which states are imposing unprecedented restrictions on freedoms, we do not want to wait until 2023 to collectively reflect on the issues that matter to us, including the political developments of recent years. We want to meet to continue to undo the illusions that imprison us, to think together about what we can do and to form new hopes for the future.

This is why we propose this year, in the name of the 150th anniversary of the Congress of St-Imier, Decentralized International Gatherings. We invite all individuals, anti-capitalist and anti-authoritarian anarchist collectives to organize in their respective locations, on the dates of their choice, events of their own creation, federated around a common poster that can be modified.

Affiche Decentrale Blanc 200px
In St-Imier, the Anarchist Book Fair, concerts, as well as different moments of collective reflection are planned, and are currently being elaborated. We will therefore use the editable poster to communicate around these specific events:


If you decide to share your posters with us and publish your programs via, we will be able to get to know and inspire each other and it will be possible to exhibit in 2023 a retrospective of the decentralized actions carried out in 2022.

If you should decide to collect money, it could contribute to the financing of the large international gathering in St-Imier in 2023.

Do not hesitate to write to us if you have any questions or remarks at

For an international solidarity against all forms of domination!

Libertarian greetings,

Organizing committee of the International Anti-Authoritarian Gathering

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Last modified: 7/3/23 10:51 AM
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