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Monday, November 6, 2017
The Mycelium Model of Glocal Governance - Argumentation


1. Core Values

We trust the open processes that the model affords and distrust the closed processes of existing structures which are bound by bureaucracy and secrecy. The value system of humanity we believe to be intrinsically good and aimed at what is the better and the right course of action for all, for all life on the planet.

2. Decision-Making Capacity

In our case our process happens before the decision happens and happens ahead of time. It speeds up the process, because those participating in the decision making can take the outcomes into account, therefore it makes the decision making process faster and is likely to increase the quality of the outcomes. Ideally, decision makers will feel that there is no decision to make because of it being clear what needs to be done.

3. Effectiveness

With a Mycelium governance culture, it is more likely that implementation of decisions within societies and within decision making structures are met with less resistance because the process of agreement has already been dealt with through through the awareness for what consensus exists in society. If a community is more committed to the course of action, then it is easier to implement such action.

4. Resources and Financing

At its fundamental level, the Mycelium model is a self-empowered, decentralized, bottom up governance structure for which the resources can be obtained without top down aid. The most important support that it can receive would be to not expend top down resources to try to suppress its emergence. Ideally, a broad consensus in the United Nations general assembly would encourage nation states to have a supportive attitude towards the emergence of a Mycelium governance culture.

As the action of moving forward with manifesting changes happens outside the Mycelium governance structures themselves, the existing and emerging governance structure will have or will obtain the required resources for implementing change through their existing means. If anything, these changes, due to them being supported with larger awareness in society, will have an easier time to obtain required resources and financing in a matter that is equitable and fair.

5. Trust and Insight

This model gives back the power into the hands of the people, by empowering them through the collective awareness. People will regognize themselves to be a sovereign part of the manifestation of change. They will feel responsible to maintain and increase the quality of the governance processes and hence its transparency. The outcomes of these processes are shared with everyone in the society and fears are overcome with truth. This in turn will strengthen the emerging Mycelium culture of governance to itself become a strong web of trust.

As part of that, transparency about the groups that gather, the processes they use and the way the outcomes are shared are important meta data of the outcomes themselves, essential for that web of trust. Because this governance model is decentralized and bottom up, it will self regulate in this regard.

6. Flexibility

A Mycelium governance culture, like a mycelium in nature, is highly adaptive to the evolving environment around it. In many ways, it is a meta governance structure to old governance structures that exist and new ones that emerge. Hence, it itself has less of a need to change. The ever evolving parts are the tools and best practices that are used to continuously improve the quality of the different processes in the Mycelium governance cycle. Continues and divers improvement and evolution of these parts is an integral part of the model and is self regulating.

7. Protection against the Abuse of Power.

The Mycelium model is based on sharing consensus and raising awareness in society and doesn't make or implement ANY decisions. Since it itself does not have any power to manifest the change, it can not overstep its mandate. By separating the awareness and the implementation processes we create natural checks and balances that prevent abuses of power from happening. Through the increased awareness in society, the model also serves to make abuse of power in other existing or emerging governance structures less likely.

8. Accountability.

The accountablilty of those that implement projects and manifest change, as well as of those that make decisions in existing governance structures, is not impacted or changed in any way by the Mycelium governance culture. Through the higher awareness in society, the accountability in these other governance structures, as well as the accountability of anybody manifesting change or trying to prevent it, will tend to increase due to the Mycelium governance culture.

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