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Anarchy 2023
July 19-23 2023 |
St-Imier 2021 - History understood and acted upon
6:27 AM
This years August workshops focus on a forensic analysis of history with the intention to crystallise a clear threefold understanding of what has evolved, the dark development we must prevent and the lighter directions which we aim to manifest.
Note: Spaces for participation are limited and the detailed workshop agendas are adjusted to participants schedules! To request an invitation: ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment
St-Imier 2021: 150 years commemoration of the Jura Federation and the Circulaire de Sonvilier
1:09 AM
The St-Imier gatherings in July 2021 commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Jura Federation and the Sonvilier Circular.
Note: Spaces for participation are limited and the detailed workshop agendas are adjusted to participants schedules! To request an invitation: The Jura Federation formed in 1871 as the first explicitly anti-authoritarian workers association, taking a stand against the authoritarian and centralised strategies and practices of the 1st International's general council, most specifically embodied by Marx and Engels. The Jura Federation met in Sonvilier to draft a circular expressing this fundamentally different view, emphasising that the free society we strive for can not be achieved through centralised and authoritarian power. Instead, it needs to be manifested by creating structures and practices that faithfully mirror our principles of freedom and autonomous federation. The following year, in September 1872, many sections from other countries, which agreed with this anarchist vision, joined the Jura Federation for the congress that led to the creation of the famous Anti-authoritarian International of St-Imier, completing the split from the Marxists. Similarly, during the St-Imier 2021 gatherings we will be working together on projects that lay the ground work for our contribution to a larger event that is being planned for July 2022. That year, several international anarchist organisations will be inviting together to a larger conference commemorative of the 1872 Anti-Authoritarian congress. Of course, the workshops we organise in this context, both in 2021 and 2022, will not just be celebrating the historic context, but will be forward looking. They will be following through with practical steps for manifesting a transformed society, locally and internationally. So, save these dates: 28-31 July 2022 And check back here for more details on the program and additional workshop schedules or join the St-Imier gatherings mailing list. ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment |
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